
Let me know if you have any feedback. You can reach out to me using any of the social media links given on the top of the page or you could just drop me an e-mail here.


Hey y’all! I’m Rajkumar Prajapati

I am currently pursuing my Bachelor of Technology degree in Computer Science & Engineering from Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India.

I love reading Articles. Reading makes my mind wander and wonder. I’m an ardent fan of movies. I dive into the fictional world which simulates in my mind while watching movies.

I have a weird choice of music and hence a weird playlist. I occasionally listen to old songs. 

If you want to have a worthy opponent in Chess, well, game on! 

I have numerous hobbies other than reading. Sketching is one of them.  I love solving puzzles and Rubik’s Cube. My fastest time for Rubik’s cube is 1 min 15 sec. I’m working on it and I might be able to bring it under 1 min.

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